Hi, I'm Sorcha!

I help teachers land top-paying  international teaching jobs and save $100K+!

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So what is my story?

I taught in the Gulf (Qatar and Dubai) for over 10 years and in 2017, I set up Empowering Expat Teachers.

In 2016, the year that I accepted my teaching job in Dubai, I had secured an interview for every single international school I applied to. In total, I have received 14 job offers at prestigious international schools.

Thanks to my time as an expat teacher, I have saved six figures, which I have used to purchase 2 beautiful properties (a 4-bedroomed house in my home country and a 3-bed apartment in Spain), start a profitable investment portfolio, complete my Masters, set up my Empowering Expat Teachers business, and travel the world. I have fulfilled these goals solely from my earnings as an expat teacher, so if I can do it, you can too! 

In October 2021, I left teaching and I am now a Teacher Career & Money Strategist, a Certified Professional Résumé Writer and a Licensed Firework Career Coach. I help teachers have a life-changing expat experience by getting jobs at top international schools, saving $100K+, buying a home & changing career (if they wish to). I have already helped 100s of teachers do this and I'd love to help you too!

Join the Empowering Expat Teachers Facebook Community!

Click here to join over 13,400 future and current expat teachers!

So what do my clients say?

  • Sorcha Coyle

    “ I am delighted to let you know that in the past week I have had 2 successful interviews - one of which I have received an offer for a job in Abu Dhabi and I'm awaiting a response from my other interview. I couldn't have done it without the invaluable changes that you made to my CV and cover letter - the best investment I've made - so a big thank you!”

    The UK

  • Sorcha Coyle

    “I purchased Sorcha's Elite Package in October 2020. I was immediately impressed by her efficiency and her attention to detail - she transformed my cover letter and CV, personalising it for the school I was applying to, elevating it to a new standard to show the best version of myself. Sorcha was also very giving of her time, guiding me through the process for future applications. As a result of her services, I secured 7 interviews for outstanding international schools in the UAE, Vietnam, Malaysia and Qatar and I was offered jobs at Tier 1 schools in the UAE and Qatar! I have just accepted the job offer in the UAE! I would highly recommend her Elite Package.”

    The UAE

  • Sorcha Coyle

    “Hey Sorcha, just wanted to say thanks a million for creating the Empowering Expat Teachers page and for your Teach Abroad Transformation Extra package! I used your tips, engaged with the process and I got 5 interviews and 4 job offers from that! It was amazing as I hadn’t even gotten a reply from previous applications! It’s clearly a specific approach to applying that’s key to getting that interview! I’ve accepted a role in Abu Dhabi and I’m so excited to move in August! Thank you.”


  • Sorcha Coyle

    “Got the job thanks to your advice on updating my CV. Really appreciate it.”


  • Sorcha Coyle

    “I cannot recommend the Elite package enough. I just signed the contract for my new job starting in August! The support I received from Sorcha was unbelievable and her advice on negotiating packages meant I got a 29% percent increase in my housing allowance. I have recommended a number of people to her and every single one of them have secured new jobs. Sorcha is brilliant at what she does and supports you the whole way through from CV writing, to interview techniques, to negotiating packages. I cannot recommend her enough!”


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